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Who Your Friends Really Are...

What's meant by "our allies" is a World War II construct, as it includes the Western winners -- Britain, France, Canada, Australia, etc., -- and the three losers -- Germany, Japan and Italy. Most were then bundled into NATO to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with us against the Soviet Union.

That construct's become old-think. The Soviet Union's gone, Russia's no enemy, and we won't need all these countries in future wars.

That's good, because we won't get them all.

Germany, once the staunchest of "our allies," has wandered away. Gerhard Schroeder won reelection after an anti-American campaign that ended with his justice minister -- of all positions! -- comparing President Bush's tactics to Hitler's.

This would be offensive coming from anyone. But German officials should be most eager to side with democracies against a vicious dictator who defies international norms, especially one who gasses his own citizens.

» Redefining Our 'Allies'

Excerpt made on Tuesday November 05, 2002 at 11:55 PM

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