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The Road Less Traveled

Kevin Spacey believes that America's troops can oust Saddam Hussein in less than two weeks. But he thinks the country's military brilliance is being misused for political ends.
With Saddam waiting to see if the U.S. will blink, said Spacey, "I hope that wisdom will prevail, that we'll find a a way to diplomatically solve what is no bigger a crisis than the missiles of October [i.e., the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis].

"If we did what [Bush] is talking about doing, we'd go down a road from which we would never recover and which would start a chain reaction around the world. I live in the hope that it won't happen."

» NY Daily News - Daily Dish - Rush & Molloy: Spacey makes case for Iraq-nophobia

Excerpt made on Wednesday November 13, 2002 at 10:47 PM

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