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US soldiers may not be equipped with the latest protective equipment against chemical and biological attacks in the event of military action against Iraq, US Senators and a non-partisan government office have warned.
Additionally, some 250,000 defective suits have gone missing and may have been mixed in with functioning equipment.
But a retired army general who commanded troops in Iraq in 1991 and is now consulting for the Pentagon told the newspaper that he believed US troops did have proper gear.
The missing suits were manufactured by a company whose officers have been convicted of intentionally providing the Department of Defense with defective equipment.

More than half a million have been found and pulled from use, but 250,000 have not been accounted for, the General Accounting Office told Mr Shays's committee last month.

» BBC NEWS | Americas | US soldiers may have faulty gear

Excerpt made on Saturday November 30, 2002 at 10:38 PM

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