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The North Korean Inspiration

Iraq urged the Arab world yesterday to take inspiration from fellow "axis of evil" member North Korea, as the U.S. military ordered more than 11,000 desert-trained troops to begin heading to the Persian Gulf.

"We Arabs need to revise our behavior towards the United States, as North Korea has done, to be respected," said the daily Babel, owned by President Saddam Hussein's elder son, Uday. The paper was referring to Pyongyang's relaunching of its nuclear program in the face of stiff U.S. criticism.

"Arabs need to learn the lesson from the Korean example to mobilize in order to stop an attack on Iraq and prevent a U.S.-Zionist crusade in the Arab world," Babel said.

"Korea insists on its right to possess a technology used by the United States to raze Japanese cities [during World War II] and which it still uses to blackmail the world and force it to obey its orders."

» Iraq urges Arabs to follow N. Korea -- The Washington Times

Excerpt made on Thursday January 02, 2003 at 01:10 AM

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