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Been There, Done That

As anti-war forces are gathering for a major demonstration on Saturday in Washington, a group of parents of the soldiers currently being deployed in the Gulf have decided to speak out against the drive for war.

They have been joined by organisations representing Gulf War veterans, who are particularly concerned about the problem of chemical and biological warfare casualties among servicemen.

The anti-war former soldiers hope to replicate the success of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War in the l960s, who were a crucial part of the anti-war coalition that helped end US involvement in that war.

Briggs Seakins from Maine served as a dismount mechanised infantryman with the 3rd Armoured Division in the 1991 Gulf War.

He told the BBC that it was the experience of the war - and his concern that he was taking part in the slaughter of innocents - that has led him to take his anti-war stance.

He says that at the time, supporting his fellow soldiers took priority. But having seen the refugees and the frightened conscript soldiers from Iraq, he would not take part in war again.

So far there are no members of these organisations who are also active members of the military. But the organisers believe that there is considerable hidden support for their views.

» BBC NEWS | Americas | Military voices of dissent

Excerpt made on Friday January 17, 2003 at 03:31 PM

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