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Boosters Club

iraqi_women_warriors.jpgThe massing of volunteer paramilitaries at Mosul was designed as a showcase of strength, a demonstration to the world, and possibly Iraqis themselves, that the people were united and uncowed by the prospect of attack by the US Army.

Ms Qassem, equipped with a tin helmet and a sword that stretched from her waist to her ankles, said: "It is a great honour for anyone to express themselves at a time of threat from America and from Britain. We are doing this to show anyone who is thinking of occupying our territories that they won't gain a metre."
"I am a Kurd, but I am ready to shed my blood for Saddam Hussein," said Mohammed Elias Ali, 24. "We have heard rumours that America has brought missile launchers and other weapons into the autonomous zone, but I tell you, in my family we are six brothers and all of us will fight against the Americans."

Similar protestations were repeated tirelessly at yesterday's parade, but it was difficult to gauge their sincerity. Many of the marchers betrayed no emotion and remained silent when the customary tributes were offered to President Saddam's leadership.

There were few spectators, and the marchers set off for home the instant they passed the reviewing stand of Iraqi officials.

» Iraq's women warriors in show of strength -

Excerpt made on Wednesday February 05, 2003 at 08:20 PM

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