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It's About Peace

We are prepared to disarm Iraq by force," he said in a speech to the American Enterprise Institute. "Either way, this danger will be removed."

Bush also remarked that the removal of Saddam Hussein would inspire peace and democracy throughout the Arab world, and that a U.S.-led war would be as much about Baghdad's defiance as the liberation of Iraq's oppressed citizenry.
Bush said Arab nations will be inspired by democratic reform in Iraq. "A new regime in Iraq would serve as a dramatic and inspiring example of freedom to other nations of the region," he said.

Neither he nor his advisers explained why the Middle East peace process made no major advances while Hussein was contained in the 1990s. He did not mention other nations tied to unrest in the Middle East, such as Iran, but said removing Hussein would "be given clear warning that support for terror will not be tolerated."

» Bush Says War Will Pave the Way for Peace

Excerpt made on Thursday February 27, 2003 at 12:43 AM

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