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The French authorities say they are investigating a US newspaper report that a French company has been illegally supplying Iraqi aircraft with spare parts.

The Washington Times on Friday quoted unnamed intelligence officials as saying the company, which has not been named, sold parts for French-made Mirage F-1 jets and Gazelle attack helicopters - an activity banned under United Nations resolutions.

But a French diplomatic source described the allegations as "just a press report".
The report said the alleged acquisitions by Baghdad appear to be part of efforts to beef up its air force ahead of a possible US-led military attack.

It said the company sold the parts to a trading firm in the United Arab Emirates, which then conveyed them to Iraq by truck.

Intelligence services apparently discovered the activity, which had been taking place as late as January, in the last two weeks.

» BBC NEWS | Middle East | France probes 'Iraq Mirage deal'

Excerpt made on Friday March 07, 2003 at 07:21 PM

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