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Bush Against War

Bush is against the war in Iraq, and wants everyone to know it.

No it's not United States president George Bush who's against the coalition attacks, but a community radio station in Salt River, Cape Town, employing a novel tactic to spread its anti-war message - by playing John Lennon's Give Peace A Chance for 48 hours this week.

Programming at Bush Radio 89.5FM was suspended on Tuesday in favour of the 1972 song, with only hourly news and anti-war comments from listeners broadcast between the 4-minute 20-second track.
The station is now back to normal programming, but Zane Ibrahim, the Bush Radio director behind the scheme, said the campaign would continue "until the madness stops".

"We started this campaign when Bush gave us a 48-hour ultimatum last week. Then we gave him an ultimatum.

"We try to find people who are pro-war, but it is like pulling hens' teeth."

The continuous playing of the track uses subliminal messaging and the "broken record technique" Ibrahim learned while studying at the University of British Columbia in Canada.

"This appeals to people's morbid curiosity. They switch off, but then they switch on again to check we're still playing the song.

» IOL : Bush is against the Iraq invasion

Excerpt made on Friday March 28, 2003 at 11:23 PM

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