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What They're Saying

Every day, the Iraqi resistance is becoming stronger... to prove that the man who is facing a well-armed army with simple and limited facilities... will not succumb or surrender... steadfast Iraq with the Arab nation by its side will not be defeated.

Al-Thawrah - Syria
The fate of President Bush and his ally Tony Blair and those supporting them reside on the palm of a devil... countries such as Kuwait, Qatar and Bahrain have tied their fate to that of the US and resolved to remain a military base. They have no hope for future survival as countries... without the presence of foreign troops on their land.

Al-Hayat al-Jadidah - Palestinian
As the Arabs are confronted with this neo-colonial attack they are now required more than before to stand by the Iraqi people and provide political and moral support to help resist and repulse these despotic invaders.

Al-Thawrah -- Syria
It is sad and also very dangerous that our brothers in the Gulf are investing their money in supporting a dark Iraqi past, which is close to collapse, at the expense of the future of the Iraqi people... We tell our dear brothers in the Gulf that with sincerity and love we are really worried about your future.

Al-Ra'y Al-Am - Kuwait

We should unite, support our front and coordinate our efforts to curb the effects of this war on our country... and support our brothers in Iraq.

Al-Dustur - Jordan
Israel is the only danger in the region and the one masterminding all the plots being woven against the Arabs. No one can separate the current aggression against Iraq and the Israeli hostile plots against the Arabs.

Al-Jazirah - Saudi

» BBC NEWS | Middle East | Iraqi tactics impress Arab press

Excerpt made on Wednesday April 02, 2003 at 05:45 PM

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