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Who's Who

The people below could be key figures in post-Saddam Iraq.

Lt Gen Jay Garner: A retired officer, who helped to set up the Kurdish safe haven after the last Gulf war.

Lt Gen Garner is currently in Kuwait preparing to establish what is being called the IIA (Iraqi interim authority). The plan is for the IIA to take over after what is supposed to be a 90-day period of US military rule.

Ahmed Chalabi: Hopes to be the new leader of Iraq. Has support at the Pentagon but also has powerful enemies elsewhere in Washington, London and Iraq.

Heads the main opposition group, the London-based Iraqi National Congress (INC). Mr Chalabi is an urbane British-educated 57-year-old former banker who has spent 30 years in exile.

Ayatollah Mohammed Bakir al-Hakim: Leader of the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq which claims to represent the majority Shia. Currently in Tehran he says he plans to return to his homeland after 23 years in exile.
Jalal Talabani: Known to Kurds as Mam (uncle) Jalal, Talabani is a veteran of Iraqi Kurdish politics who has opposed successive governments in Baghdad for much of the last 40 years.

» Daily Times - Site Edition: Who's who in post-conflict Iraq

Excerpt made on Friday April 18, 2003 at 11:33 PM

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