You GO Girl!!

A petite 17-year-old, irate after seeing three men running from her home in the wee morning hours Tuesday, sprinted outdoors barefoot, clad in pajamas, outran one of the trespassers, tackled and straddled him, then hog-tied him with a rope until police arrived minutes later.

Melissa Alexander, a high school junior, said her training in track and running bases for the varsity softball team came in handy, as did her ability to handle horses, which she cares for at her family’s property.

“I felt violated,” Melissa said. “The only thing running through my mind was, ‘how dare you?'”

Of course… this is probably not the “recommended” thing to do if someone suspicious is on your property, and could have been dangerous — but it turned out well in the end anyway.
I know exactly how she felt though, when she thought “how dare you?” – you tend to feel that way when you find someone’s vandalized or otherwise violated your property.